Achieved Projects (International and National)

Type Title Execution Duration Coordinator Partner
PHC Utique Experimental and numerical investigations of flows induced by high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) 2022-2024 Maher BEN CHIEKH Jean Christophe BERA (Univ Lyon1, France)
PHC Utique PHC-Utique: Energy recovery of the waste heat from the exhaust gases of an mci coupled to a Stirling engine 2022-2024 Ramla Gheith Fethi ALOUI (INSA Valenciennes, France)
VRR Development of solar concentrator prototype 2020-2023 Souheil EL ALIMI ANME
TUNGER 2+2 WIND4GRID : Wind Turbine Power system for grid stabilization with integrated energy storage. 2019-2022 Mohamed Sadok GUELLOUZ Uwe Ritschel (Univ. Rostock, Germany)
Tunisian-Indian Hierarchical Control of Hybrid Power Systems. 2018-2020 Abdelmajid JEMNI MAITY Somnath (NIT Rourkela, India)
VRR Development of solar concentrator prototype. 2017-2019 Taher MAATALLAH ANME
PNRI Development of an innovative, functional and comfortable textile 2017-2018 Faten FAYALA CETTEX
PHC Utique PHC-Utique 16G1107: Experimental and numerical analysis of flows generated in a fluid medium by focused ultrasonic waves. 2016-2018 Maher BEN CHIEKH Jean Christophe BERA (Univ Lyon 1, France)
PNRI Solar-powred wood drying and treatment cells 2012-2014 Mohamed Sadok GUELLOUZ CETIBA
PRF Solar-powred wood drying and treatment cells 2012-2014 Mohamed Sadok GUELLOUZ ANME
PRF Solar cooling systems. 2010-2012 Sassi BEN NASRALLAH ANME
DGRST - INSERM Ultrasound cavitation Thrombolysis 2010 Maher BEN CHIEKH Jean Christophe BERA (Univ Lyon 1, France)
CNRS-DGRST Sizing, modeling and performance testing of two phase thermal system. 2010 Abdelmajid JEMNI Yves Bertin (Univ. Poitiers, France)
PRF Mastery of the technologies used in solar desalination. 2008-2013 Sassi BEN NASRALLAH ANME
PHC Utique Improvement of heating quality and reduction of NOx in a furnace heated by a flameless combustion process. 2007-2009 Hmaied BEN TICHA Jean Charles SAUTET (CORIA Rouen, France)
AUF Inter-universities Characterization and control of separated flows. 2007-2008 M. BEN CHIEKH and M.S. GUELLOUZ A. KOURTA (IMF Toulouse) and S. TAVOULARIS (Univ Ottawa)
ANME Thermophysical characteristics of insulations used in Tunisian buildings. 2006-2008 Mohamed Sadok GUELLOUZ ANME
PNRI Development of equipment for Particles capture in the wood industry 2005-2007 Mohamed Sadok GUELLOUZ CETIBA
CNRS-DGRST Development of separated flow control techniques. 2005 Maher BEN CHIEKH Azeddine KOURTA (IMF Toulouse, France)
CNRS-DGRST Development of separated flow control techniques 2004 Abdelmajid JEMNI Yves Bertin (Univ. Poitiers, France)
PRF Solar cooling. 2003-2006 Sassi BEN NASRALLAH ANME
Tunisian - Morrocan Optimisation of a system of mechanisms by intelligent Methods. 2002 Jamel Orfi Ben Hamou (Uiv. Cadi Ayyad, Morocco)